I started trombone at the age of 17. I worked with Mr Bernard Buffet in Avignon, then (from one to several years) with Mr Pierre Guigou Rennes, Mr Frédéric Potier and Mr Patrice Hic Paris, Mr Guy Ferrand at Le Mans, and finally with Mr Dominique Delahoche in Quimper. Then jazz with a "great Monsieur" Mr. Jean Philippe Le C
oz.In addition I worked 1 1/2 years the breath (air column) with Mr. Robert Pichereau in Pa
ris.This diversity has brought me enor
mously …. At the age of 22 I returned to "The Crew Music of the Brest Fleet". I stayed there for 22 years. I was part of a dance band, a big band, embarked on the helicopter door "Jeanne D'Arc" and the Colbert for Australia.
Participated in jacques Cartier's 450th anniversary 1 month in Quebec, the 100th anniversary of the status of freedom New York, and the Bicentennial of Australia. What great memories!!!

The trombone desk of the music of the Brest fleet in 1997 from
left to right: Philippe,Emmanuel, Guy, Patrick, Henri,Dominique, Jean-PierreT

he orchestra of the music of the Brest fotte 1999
Direction CM. Claude Kesmaeck

erThe orchestra of "La Jeanne
d'Arc" Campaign 1
985 / 1986 For the Jazzmen you can see Thierry Gau at the trom
bone by my sideI was able to go around the world twice thanks to this superb ship, meet many trombonists and buy many CDS

The dance orchestra of the music of the fl
eetI stayed 5 years in this dance orchestra. We played all over France, all Weed-ends from October to May. Here the
photo was taken on "The Beautiful Hen" navy sailboatThe trombo

ne quartet "Les Blue Bone"4 trombone
s with a rhythmic Denis Lelou

pVauban Bres
t with: Dominique, Gilbert and IThe "Bandas Vale

ntinoise" in the foregr
ound:Tony, Bibich, Henri and MauriceOrc

hestre New Orleans by Gouesnou,

Gouesnou's Harmony Orchestra"B

lue bone"Th
is is part of our plateletWho is
it?? Since 2
002 (change of work) I have become an amateur musician again; I take care of the Big Band "amateur" the "Jazzyroise Big Band"
My debut
Chabeuil Drôme Fanfare (26120)
My first parade in 1973.My debut I made at the Baritone with, as teacher and best friend, Mr Maurice Pinat (March2012); he knew how to make me love music and stimulated me a lot to learn it !!! Later it was that wonderful moments with him … I pl
ayed in various Fanfare, Harmonie, Bandas, Big Band à: Chabeuil, Upie, Bourg de Péage, Romans, Hoston, Malissard…
I advise everyone to play in many different orchestras…

The orchestra "Bavards Rois" Alsatian animation, Bavarian Orchestra, Chabeuil Orchestra (26)Her
e to the baritone…. still in the baritone
Then the Trombone

I present my first professor Mr. Maurice Pinat (01/01/1931 – 02/03/2012) who is on the foreground. It was he who made me discover and especially love music.!!! And here I am at the trombone: I discovered this instrument in 1976 at the Avignon Conservatory with an Excellent teacher Mr. Bernard Buffet, (death occurred at the age of 88 Avis published on February 19, 2019, Vaucluse (84)) with whom I studied music.